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Abide in Me, and I in you

If ever you, as a branch, don't abide in the Vine, Christ - if you don't abide in His love, His Word, and His service - then you will become unfruitful and withered, and you will be pruned from the tree as a dead branch. You won't lose your salvation, but you will be cast aside as being no longer useful to God and his kingdom.

Without the flow of God's Spirit there is no life. You must be firmly implanted in the Vine where you're receiving the spiritual sap and life and nourishment that you need directly from the Lord Himself. A lot of how you grow is up to you and how much nourishment you receive, so don't cut yourself off from the Vine.

Jesus said, "Without Me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). But if you are dwelling in the Vine, as one of the branches, then you can produce beatiful leaves and beatiful fruit so that He and the Father may be glorified and have much fruit (John 15:8).


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