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How Will You Weather the Wiles Of The Enemy?

From day to day the weather changes, during the wintertime; it may be warm one day and cold the next. You never know if you will need a heavy coat or a light sweater. The early day can be very warm, but by evening, it is very cold. Fickle weather!

Our lives can be a little like the weather. It changes from day to day. Like the weather, we usually have warning signs, but sometimes, we fail to heed those signs. Then, our lives are sort of topsy-turvy! Fear sets in, we get depressed, and we are in turmoil.

Our spiritual life sometimes imitates the weather conditions. One day we are all geared up to follow the Lord, whatever the consequence. But, along the way, the enemy’s forces besiege us, and we slack off. Oh, maybe we don’t even realize what is happening. We just become sort of lukewarm in our worship; church isn’t interesting anymore. Perhaps we aren’t even hard pressed to go too much anymore.

There is nothing that enemy would like more than to get you into a state of denial. He wants you to think his path is the one that will give you happiness and power. And, then when you heed to those words, you realize you haven’t reached the plateau you wanted, but have succumbed to the enemy’s lies!

Remember that God is the way to salvation. Only through Him will you find peace and contentment. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of our faith. Only He can give us power to overcome the forces of the enemy.

Luke 10: 19 “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

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