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Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving holiday, there will be many celebrating with family and friends. The turkey and dressing, ham and sweet potatoes, green beans, cream corn, potato salad, and the sweets will be lavished upon the hungry eaters by either Mom, grandma, or perhaps an aunt or sister. Whomever cooks the food, you know it’s going to be enjoyed.

This holiday season remember that the scripture says to ‘give thanks in all things’, even those that aren’t within our control. We relinquish the worry over these things to the Lord, and let Him have control. We need not fret and fear the outcome, for His will is going to be done.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, giving God all the thanks, praise, and glory. Enjoy the day with your family, and pray for each other.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

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