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A Tribute to Mothers

Mothers are special, God gave them the awesome role of raising us to become what we are today and they are always present in how we grow our own children. Their legacy will always live on through you, your children, their children and so on.

My Mother’s Vineyard

The safest place I have ever rested was in my mother’s arms. Initially, the nurse gently laid me there. A little package mother immediately unwrapped when the nurse departed. As every new mother does, mine examined me for any imperfections. Passing her inspection, we spent time bonding. Little did I realize how blessed I was to enter this family tree.

My mother. Accomplished, poised, sensitive, and profoundly wise. An outstanding instructor to educate her brood. She prepare me for every stage of life I would encounter. She loved me, defined me, corrected me, and challenged me. Not a single lesson wasted, though I couldn’t fully appreciate this until exiting childhood. Without her sacrifices, I wouldn’t be here. No breath drawn without hers first, for she gave me my very life.

The apostle Paul penned “For I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.” 2 Tim. 1:5.

Paul understood the spiritual heritage of the maternal vine that reaches deeply into subsequent generations. Implanted faith from praying women who understand the secret things of God. These silent warriors activate the “Moses” in us, that we might do greater things for God’s Kingdom, offering prayers with proven results.

God eternally keeps His promise to our precious mothers, by richly blessing our lives and posterity. Thank you mothers for powerfully living on, through us.

Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood, planted by the waters: she was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters.

—Ezekiel 19:10

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