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Praise: An Expression of Love

Most of us have some idea what being in love feels like. When we’re apart, we constantly think about the object of our affection and look forward to spending time together. We often relate stories and describe attributes so everyone knows how wonderful this special person is. In a word, we praise our loved ones one.

1Samuel 13:14 describes King David as a man after God’s own heart. One way he sought to honor his beloved Lord was to offer Him praise. The book of Psalms records David’s worship in words, with sentiments such as “Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, my lips will praise You” (Psalm 63:3 NKJV). David also danced, expressing his passion and devotion before God—he didn’t care what others would think “Then David danced before the Lord with all his might;” (2 Samuel 6:14a)

Do we love God with the same unashamed enthusiasm David exhibited? Some people are more prone to fervent, emotional displays than others, but too many of us allow embarrassment or timidity to stifle our praise. Timid believers wonder what those around them will think if they sing loudly. Others worry how their co-workers or friends will feel about them if they talked about God too much.

The Lord is worthy of praise. He is our Friend, our Rock, and our Protector. What’s more, He saved us from death! If we let ourselves get caught up in others’ opinions, we could forget that His is the only one that matters. Ever since creation, the Lord has deserved and received praise offerings for His glory. Don’t let fear or embarrassment keep you from praising the Lord. Give God His due praise.

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