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One-Word Prayer for Finding Calm

Few of us ever manage to live a complete day of peace. We fight traffic, race the clock and filter seemingly countless, competing, voices. We crave a little calm, a few moments of peace, even the tiniest island of tranquility from time to time.

But how? Where can we turn to find a few moments of sanity-restoring calm in the midst of otherwise crazy lives? We can pray. A simple prayer—even a single word—can sometimes soothe our savaged spirits. Try one of these simple prayers for finding peace and calm in your life.

“Come”—A frequent phrase on the lips—and pens—of the Bible’s songwriters was “come quickly, Lord, to help me” (Psalm 40:13, NIV). Taking a moment—even with a single word, “Come”—to invite the Lord into your chaos and stress brings the Prince of Peace into your situation. Into your mind, into the moment. So take a breath, close your eyes, and say: “Come.”

You probably remember the story of Jesus and His closest followers in a boat on the Sea of Galilee. A furious storm arose, but Jesus had fallen asleep. His panicked followers awakened Him. The Bible says, “He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ The wind died down, and it was completely calm” (Mark 4:39, NIV).

You may not be able to command winds and waves, but you can say, “Quite.” It may be a plea to God. It may be a command to your own mind and heart. You may need to say it repeatedly, but either way, it can provide a path to peace.

These two short, sweet, and simple words— “Come,” and “Quite,” when prayed mindfully, they can be just what our hectic and harried lives need most.

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