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Prayers to Help Your Prayer Life

“Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways.”—Haggai 1: 5

There’s no better time than right now to reevaluate, recommit and refocus your prayer life.

Reevaluate—your prayer life by asking God to show you where you’ve gone wrong before. Ask Him to show you where you’re not pleasing Him and to help you to confess and repent. Ask God to show you where your priorities and practices need to change. Ask God to also show you things you did right, things you did well, things you might find satisfaction and blessing in doing more of. Write these things down.

Recommit—your prayer life so that you are praying without ceasing. Ask God to help you to recommit yourself to pray with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength on a daily basics. Recommit your allegiance to Jesus to live under His Lordship. Then when you are fully submitted and open to the Lord, He can stir your heart and bless your efforts.

Refocus—In Haggai’s day, their reevaluation and recommitment resulted in the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem (see Haggai 1:14-15). What new focus will result from your reevaluation and recommitment of your prayer time?

Will refocusing your prayer time result in you rebuilding broken relationships, reconnecting love ones and forgotten friendships, reviving your personal relationship with God?

Ask God to show you where you should focus during your prayer time. Ask Him where you shouldn’t focus during your prayer time and to show you what pleases Him.

Asking God to show you how to reevaluate, recommit, and refocus your prayer time can bring to pass His will for you


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