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Essentials of Effective Meditation

6 But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you [c]openly. (Matthew 6:6)

Read—Matthew 6:5-15

In our everyday routines, countless voices compete for attention. Our children cry for it, our employer insists on it, and our loved ones yearn for it. Among all these competing demands, it can be challenging to discern the most important voice of all—that of our heavenly Father. Is it any wonder, then, that He sometimes seems distant or we can’t make out what He’s trying to tell us?

Unless we make an effort to retreat from life’s noisy demands for a moment or two, our ability to hear God’s voice will likely be weak. Jesus was well aware of this need to pull away regularly to pray and meditate on Scripture. In teaching the disciples how to pray, Jesus told them to go into their rooms and close the door behind them. He knows that to commune with the Father, “decluttering” our schedules and thoughts is vital.

You and I are blessed—and cursed—with constant communication through our phones, tablets, and computers. But true communion with the Lord demands some seclusion. So let’s turn off the TV, music, and phone notifications, and listen for God’s voice. Claim a block of time for the heavenly Father today, even if you start with only five minutes.

Let’s Work Together—Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

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